The rules:
1. Post the rules.
2. Write 11 fun facts about yourself.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you and then create 11 new quesitons to ask people you tag.
4. Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
5. Let them know you've tagged them!
1. I'm going to Cabo with Mr. Potts and another couple in April. Exactly 73 days from now I will be here.

2. I would rather eat fruit than chocolate. Apple pie, blueberry get the idea.
3. I believe that peanut butter should be it's own food group.
4. There are very few foods I choose not to eat. Cabbage, mushrooms and liver are the only three. Cabbage because I can't stand the smell of it cooking, mushrooms are a texture thing and liver is just disgusting. Bleh.
5. In the last 5 or 6 years I've developed an intolerance for shellfish & it makes me very, very sad. I used to LOVE oysters & crab & lobster. Sigh
6. I follow old school punctuation rules, i.e. 2 spaces after a period.
7. Mr. Potts' Dad & Stepmom have offered to pay for me to go back to school and obtain my masters degree. I cried. It is something I've wanted for a while & didn't think I'd have the opportunity to do.
8. I love the Real Housewives series, but ONLY Beverly Hills, OC & NJ.
9. I will sometimes go for a spell without purchasing clothes. But when I decide I need some new things I totally go for it.
10. My favorite nail color lately has been OPI's Wocka Wocka from the Muppets line.
11. One of my previous life stances has changed dramatically in the last year. This will result in a major life change in the next few years. To be discussed at a later date.
Now on to the questions that MCW posted!
1. How do you eat your burger?
I like mine either one of two ways. With peanut butter (see #3 above), bacon & cheddar OR on a toasted english muffin with bacon & pimento cheese.
2. What's your favorite characteristic about yourself?
I'm sincerely optimistic and find the positive in anything and usually anyone!
3. What time period from the past would you like to live in?
I like the period I'm in now, but I wouldn't mind the "Little House on the Prairie" type of period where things were simpler.
4. What actress would be cast to play you?
Reese Witherspoon. I seriously believe we'd be BFF in real life.
5. What was your first car?
A Honda Civic
6. What's one product you hope is never discontinued?
Aquaphor Advanced Therapy hand cream
7. What was high school like for you?
Nothing mind-blowing. I was there, I did well in classes, I had bad hair (but who didn't then?) & then I went to college.
8. Do you believe in ghosts?
Not especially
9. What would your dream house look like?
It has a huge porch, a large living area outside, a master kitchen that opens up into a dining/living area & lots of room.
10. When did you have your first beer? Did you have more than one?
Umm....I don't remember. Probably sometime in high school & I'm sure I had more than one.
11. What is your least favorite word?
One that has to do with women's underwear. Rhymes with SHANTY. Makes me shudder.
Now, I'm breaking from the rules & opening this up to anyone. If you want to play along, use the same questions MCW asked. Because thinking up 11 new ones is just making my brain hurt!
I don't love all the Housewives shows either.
I really can't stand NJ. I watch but then get mad at how redic Teresa is.
So exciting about your upcoming vacay! I could go for some sun right about now! And I only watching OC and BH - I've never seen NJ but I have friends that like it.
hey lady!! i miss you and your blog!!
how exciting that you are going on vacation and to cabo!! i'm totally jealous! when it comes to the real housewives i only like OC and NJ ;) i used to love NY but now i just love bethany's show.
fun post to read! i can't believe you eat a burger with pb, you are too cute! and i need some pimento cheese, num!!!
Thanks for stopping by and your sweet comment!! Can you take me on vacay with you?? :)
Vacation! So lucky. Wait you put peanut butter on a burger? Hmmm. Interesting.
Thanks for playing!
That is so great that they are offering to help you with school, what an amazing opportunity.
I watch most of the Real Housewives..but NYC has dropped off my radar since Bethanny left.
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