I had promised a while back before things got hairy with my family that I would show you all my niece with my our dog Hayden (Hayd dog as they've named her). I just now pulled the pictures from my camera, so here she is!

And if you remember, my precious little nephew loves to pose with Hayden too! Who doesn't love a big, yellow dog as a picture prop?

Thank you all for continuing to pray for my family. It is so very appreciated.
so cute!
They are just so precious. They are so lucky to have you & Hayd dog to balance out whatever is going on. Thoughts are with you.
so so so cute!
adorable! :)
You've gotta love Labs! Such great dogs and SO loving!
Bless those kids, they are so adorable! And your puppo looks sweet too :)
They are so sweet! What a bunch of cutie patooties. awww. And, what a good girl Hayden was for them :)
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