In the past few weeks, I have had such a longing in my heart to have my Maddy back with me. She was my constant companion for 9 years. I watched her grow from a gangly, uncoordinated little puppy to a huge, drooling, 156lb gentle giant. There are times when I walk downstairs and see a blanket on our love seat and think that it is her, sprawled out. It takes me a moment to realize it's not. I thought I'd share one of my favorite pictures - it was taken by a wonderful friend the day before we went to the vet for her final visit.

Look at all that gray on her face. She was such a sweet girl and helped me get through so many tough times in my life.
I've often thought it would be interesting to know what animals think. I've often in my head pictured conversations between Maddy & Hayden. These two were so good in our home together. They'd lay on opposite ends of the room - a requirement for when you're 156lbs is that you get your own love seat. I would picture Hayden lifting her head & in her spastic voice "saying" to Maddy, "Hey! Maddy! Wanna trade spots??!! Yeah! C'mon! Please???!!!" I could then imagine Maddy lifting her big head & telling Hayden in a very laid back, California voice, "Nah - I'm feeling pretty fine right here. I don't really want to move. Maybe when mom gets home I'll get up."
Kind of silly that I would imagine all this in my head, huh?
Well, I also imagine that our cat Pepe speaks in a heavy French accent- his name is short for Pepe le Pew since when I rescued him he smelled like he'd crawled through sewage & had brown spikes for hair.
This past weekend, I watched Pepe stalk Hayden. Once Hayden had laid down with her ball, Pepe pounced. This is what I imagined - don't forget to read Pepe's part with a French accent:
Pepe: "I've got you now you big ball of yellow fur. I will eat your leg!"
Hayden: "What? You're going to eat my leg? Please don't. No, that hurts! Owww! Mom, Pepe tried to eat my leg!"
Pepe: "Harumph! I've got much better things to do than try to eat her leg." After saying this, he swishes his tail over Hayden's nose & walks away.
I do really wish I could hear what they think. Although I doubt it would be as interesting as it is in my head. Do your pets talk? Do you give them accents or personalities?
Please tell me I'm not the only one that does this. :-)