Monday, March 2, 2009

Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Thank you to everyone who came, visited, commented & left as a new follower! A special thank you to all of those who were already followers.

Jaymie of and Charlotte makes three was the winner of my Spring Fever Giveaway! Congratulations Jaymie!

I also held a second drawing for a surprise smaller prize - super fun in my humble opinion! brown eyed girl was the winner of my surprise drawing! She's in for a treat - getting to pick one of the colors given away in the main giveaway as well as a set of my recipes!

If you both will email me with your contact information I'll get these sent out as quickly as possible.

Thank you again to all who entered!!

I utilized for the random number generator - in case you're curious!


Jaymie said...

Wow thank you! I'm so excited!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you!!! Sooo excited! I sent you an email earlier!