Since I think both Classy in Philadelphia and The Seattle Smith's have Wonderful Wednesday Play Along's I like to participate in both.
So, to start, we'll head over to The Seattle Smith's for Wishful Wednesday. In honor of the Golden Globes Kelsey had us lusting over our favorite gowns.

Next up? Classy in Philadelphia's Where in the World Wednesday.

The white blobs you see in the picture? Snowflakes still falling!
Holy snow!!! Haha, love that photo.
Oh, and Heidi Klum is gorgeous!!
Thanks for participating. I liked seeing both of your Wed. feautures! :)
Love Heidi's dress!
Gorgeous dress! Love Heidi! And look at all of that snow! Beautiful!
Beautiful choice for the dress!
yep i've had 4 kids and i'm working on looking like that! she is gorgeous!
I agree - she looked so lovely!!!
very pretty dress choice!
heidi is beautiful and i don't get how she keeps her awesome body!
i live in MN so i see that kind of snow too often ;)
I love HEIDI, she is so beautiful. I didn't like her hair here but the dress was gorgeous!
Heidi is my absolute FAVE. I wasn't crazy about her dress until I saw the picture that you posted (isn't it funny how some pictures they look good and in others not so much?) Great pick! :-)
That is a gorgeous dress!
And I love the snow picture. The tables look like mushrooms!
I have a scheduled post on this dress too! I searching for the clutch myself, not much luck though! I'm gonna put the fashion diva's on it!
now that is some serious snow!
I love that dress-great choice!
Well Heidi looks amazing of course but, even better... check out the creeper behind her!!
Wow, I want that dress too!!!
I also wish I could look like Heidi!
Wow, that is a lot of snow!
I love Heidi Klum! Her personality, her looks, everything! I can't beleive how she just morphs back into a supermodel body so quickly after giving birth!
I will take the dress, but more importantly Heidi's body!
Ya- snow is all fun and games and pretty....until you have to GET PLACES in it! The snow has ruined my plans TWICE in the past 10 days. So, right now- not a fan. And, ya ya- snow for skiing...well, in this day and age Mountains make their own snow and it all feels the same to me! :))
Oh, do I sound bitter? :)
That is lots of snow. BTW, come check out freshwater pearl necklace giveaway on my blog. : )
Tables = Snow mushrooms!!
Somehow I missed that dress! Love it!
Love your picture - we got snow here today in Southern California! Loved it!
heidi is so beautiful and funny! i just adore her. good dress choice too.
I think you'd look fabulous in Heidi's gown! You actually have quite a bit in common with her!
You are the cutest Heidi I know!!!!!!!
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