It was love at first look, for me and the Kindle.

When Mr. Potts and I were on our way to Barbados for our honeymoon a man on the plane beside us had one. He let me hold it.
Mr. Potts must have known at that point that I was hooked. That I would "Have To Have One!" at some point in time.
I was patient. I didn't expect one, but I was decidedly excited about getting one for myself. Until he surprised me with it.
I've loved it ever since. It goes everywhere with me.
To the gym, on the plane, in the car, to the bed with me!
I love the ease of use.
I love touching the "Next Page" button and having it pop up immediately. I love that it takes "naps" if I'm gone too long - Hey, I would take a nap EVERY day if I could!
I love being able to bookmark a page. I like that I can add notes about particular passages or places in the book.
Quite frankly, I'm thrilled. I can't say enough how much I love this.
I love having so many books at my fingertips (quite literally) at any moment.
The battery will last for over 2 weeks with the wireless turned off. I believe I can even (gasp!) blog from it if needed!!
So there you have it - the love affair with my Kindle. Let me know if you have any questions I can answer about it for you.
Happy Thursday!! Aren't you glad Friday is almost here? Seems like the last two weeks my life has been "Where in the World is Mrs. Potts?". I'm uber excited to go home tomorrow!!
awesome that you found something you love so much!
I think I have that same relationship with UGGS!
YAY for Friday!
My hubby REALLY wants one of these. I think I will get it for his bday (June). I have heard the best reviews on the Kindle!
YAY! I am so glad you love it! How could you not?!
Okay everyone I know is obsessed! They must be great! If I read I would so be buying one!
I have a love affair with mine as well :)
I'm still anti-kindle. Can we still be friends? :)
If I still had a commute to work every day, I would Definitely own one!! Without a doubt! Now that I drive to work, I do not read nearly as much as I used to. I used to read on the treadmill too, but now that I am running instead of walking, I can’t read at the same time! I might have to get one before my next trip to NZ though, so I don’t have books taking up all my luggage space!
PS. I GOT my first Marie Claire-I blogged about it at the end of my post yesterday! Thanks so much!
Mom has a Kindle, Zach has the Sony... I'm feeling left out! I want the Nook way bad. I think this is the answer to get me reading again!
Those really do seem so cool! Does it hurt your eyes at all?
Wow, that does sound really cool! I didn't realize it could do so much. I thought it only downloaded books and that was it. So glad you love it!
My husband tells me I want one. I tell him I don't. I tell him I'm a romantic who likes the feel of a book in my hands. My husband says the Kindle would win me over. Perhaps he's right?
I like real books but I think the convenience of having so many books esp. when traveling would be great.
I got one for Christmas as well and am def. a fan! I am now lusting after the ipad b.c im an apple nerd and it has many functions!
Please review your books you read!
I totally want to try one out - they look awesome!
so what have you been reading lately?
Want one so bad!
I've heard these are great but for me, the feel of paper and the SMELL of a book just can't be beat! And I get most of my books from the library so I'm doing it way cheaper than I could with a kindle. Maybe one day it'll be in th budget for me but not now. I'm glad you're enjoying yours so much though! :-) Have a great weekend! XOXO
I wish I could hold a Kindle. Jealoous.
I'm conflicted about them because I just love holding a book....was holding one your deciding factor?
you know I had no idea that you could blog from one of those! I've always felt like Brittany, I just love the feel of a book in my hand. Plus I've kinda thought that I look at screens so much that maybe it would be better for my eyes if I look at a book. That being said, you are definitely tempting me! I think this would be great for trips where I didn't want to lug around so much!
left you a little award on my blog! hopefully you haven't already gotten it!
Those are cool! I've never used one, but maybe I should give it a try!
i see those things every time i ride bart to work. you're not alone...people are obsessed with their kindles.
ha! I love it! Mountain Man is getting the Ipad .. so I get his kindle.. can't wait!! xo
I'm going to have to look into this. How do you buy books? I'm a little slow on new technologies :)
How cool is this? I need to get one for my hubby! He would love it!!
Hope you have a great day!
I love that you love yours. I so want one, but for now, I will have to live vicariously through you.
Mr. Potts knew what he was getting in to when he got it for you, so he will have to just live with the fact that there are three of you in the bed for a while.
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