I have been given a few very sweet awards lately & I feel awful that I have not written about them. I'm ashamed to admit that I can't remember who gave them to me or what they were for.
*hangs head in shame*I'll do better if anyone gives me any more. Pinkie swear.
For a Friday wrap up, I have to share a few things that happened this week.
Big Ticket #1Remember my
co-worker who told me that since I smiled a lot that I was crazy? Well, this week she topped herself. She told me that I'd obviously never worked as anything more than an individual contributor. She also told me that I "didn't get it" either because:
- I am ignorant
- I'm playing games to "win the day"
Wow. Doesn't get much better than that. So much for good work relationships with team members. THAT particular goal for 2009 went right down the toilet with those comments.
Big Ticket #2I hit an all time low in my feelings about myself & my weight. I told Mr. Potts that I didn't want to go & celebrate someone's birthday because I didn't want to be around anyone I knew in a bathing suit. Yes, I went there. I almost let this feeling overwhelm me & intrude on our lives.
I recently began weaning myself from medication which I was told has most likely contributed to a lot of my weight gain. And I've been working out really hard & watching not only what I eat, but how much I eat. I know that I won't see immediate results, but the amount of weight I gained is just ridiculous. So instead of eating these, I'm instead, just looking at the pictures online. Where I can't actually buy one.

And I visit Kimmie over at
Full Circle. She highlights cupcakes every Sunday.
That's a rough one!
So I snapped out of that funk - no way am I going to let this affect what I do - and have been working out even harder & eating even better.
I have read the research that indicates that stress can sometimes contribute to not just weight gain, but also the inability to lose weight.
*Note to self: Must get rid of co-worker*
*Note to self: Not realistic*Hope you all are having a wonderful Friday & are ready for a long weekend!
If you haven't already, don't forget to enter my giveaway (you can do that by going
here). The deadline is tonight at midnight.