This morning on the treadmill after I finished up my USAToday (Thank you Hampton!) I started in on my new Glamour (thank you USPS for delivering the day before I leave for ATL!). While reading, I came across a snippet about Gwyneth Paltrow's new site,
GOOP. I thought I'd check it out this morning - she puts together weekly newsletters about her thoughts, ideas, clothes & food. Worth a glance, definitely.
Speaking of working out - how is everyone doing on their New Year's resolutions or life changes or healthy commitments? I'm really working harder to value the body God blessed me with & take good care of it.
Specials thanks go to Littlesack of
Navigating the Quarterlife and SassyEngineer of
A Pretty Peony. They both made my day recently by gifting me with awards!
Littlesack sent me the
"Beautiful" Award. This award is given to bloggers who display beauty more than skin deep. I really appreciate this - it cheers me to think that people may get a small lift from reading my thoughts & ideas.

I want to pass this lovely award along to a few of my faves:
SassyEngineer sent me the
"Your Blog is Fabulous" Award! This is a new one for me & I love the fact that she chose me. I like to think that I'm fabulous, but I have my days of self-doubt. Don't we all?

The instructions are simple: list five obsessions/addictions you have, tag back to the person who gave you the award, post the rules, and then tag five people to pass the award onto.
So, five obsessions...
1. Mr. Potts - I absolutely adore him! He is kind to everyone he meets, he loves my niece & nephew (I mean, who wouldn't??) and he loves my mom. He also tolerates my chattiness, he rubs my feet after a long day, and when I'm done reading at night, he puts my book away & gets up to turn off the light. How wonderful is he?
2. Sephora - I can't help it. I'm like a kid in a candy store when I'm there. I swear, I could spend hours walking the aisles, smelling the scents & patting on lotion. At least they don't have a credit card. :)
3. Good food. I can't say much more than that - I love food, all aspects of it. I love to buy it (specialty food shops...another place I could spend an hour or two wondering the aisles), I love to prepare it, I love to cook it, I love to eat it.
4. Big handbags. I'm currently carrying a large Cole Haan bag & it is my favorite of all time. It is a great reddish color & I can fit a large bottle of water, several snacks, 2 magazines & a paperback into it. Perfect for all the travel I do!
5. Water. I constantly drink water. I may go through 8 liters a day. I just like it - plus, it makes me feel like I'm hydrating really well.
Consequently, it does have me in & out of the bathroom constantly!!
Ok, so here is where I tag 5 new people for having fabulous blogs. This is hard, because there are so many that I follow & love reading.
1. Meghan from
The Randomness of Meghan. She cracks me up & reminds me frequently that we all have those days.
2. Mrs. Stilettos from
Newlywed Stilettos. She just posted about going to see Marley & Me & how it brought back memories of her dog Sandy - I'm totally avoiding that movie for a long time since I just lost my Maddy. Plus, she loves to introduce new bloggers!
3. Bama Belle from
Bama Belle in the Big City. She has a wonderful blog, & I LOVED her post about her conversation with the cupcake lady. You must check her out!
4. Southern Accent from
A Southern Accent. She has a beautiful blog - her most recent was about closet chandeliers. Who wouldn't love those??
5. Emily from
Life as I know it from Memphis. She posted pictures lately of dresses - gorgeous! Plus, she is working on 130's by end of 30 - go give her some love & support!
Phew! Happy, Happy Wednesday!!