Thursday, September 3, 2009

Do you ever wonder?

Do you ever wonder where Jolly Ranchers flavors come from? I have no idea why this popped into my head, but yesterday as I was eating my Granny Smith apple, which I have to say is my very favorite flavor of apple with the Pink Lady a close second, I realized that it tasted exactly like a sour apple Jolly Rancher.Common sense thing, right? Well, don't you ever wonder what kind of flavoring (i.e. sugar &/or chemicals) are used to make things taste like fruits found in nature? So in my ongoing quest to become more healthy and live longer (from watching the Today show this morning while I was getting ready there is a chance that life expectancy could be moving up into the 100's. Although I don't really know if I want to live that long. I mean, what will my body look like then?) I'll be looking at ingredients and labels a lot more closely.

I already do that - I look at sodium content (if I don't, my hands & feet swell to crazy proportions & my fingers look like fat little sausages & I better get my rings off fast!) as well as sugar (to keep my hypoglycemia in check & so I don't get all crazy lightheaded & pass out) and don't forget protein (you know, so you don't get hangry - and yes, that is a real word). That was an awfully constructed sentence wasn't it?

I'll bring back Fabulous Friday tomorrow - last week was out of control busy. This week has been too - hence the lack of commenting until later in the evening. Although, tonight is a Panther's game, so there may be little commenting today, too. Go Panthers!


Anonymous said...

This made me laugh! I often wonder that AND wonder how scented candles smell just like the real thing. I don't get it. But I KNOW it's chemicals and that's bad. But still, hilarious, I didn't know people thought the same things as I did!

Brittany Ann said...

I totally wonder about this! ALthough not always enough to stop me from eating it!

Jane said...

Totally wonder about these things -- too funny.

Children of the 90s said...

Haha, I'm with you on wondering. I did read Fast Food Nation which tipped me off to how they make some of these things. It's all chemical compounds created in labs that are in no way derived from the fruit itself. They can even say "natural flavors" if that chemical occurs somehow in nature. Scary, right? They're still delicious :)

Whitney said...

I love Pink Lady apples! They and Galas are my favorite! And now I feel an overwhelming urge for Jolly Ranchers! Ha! I always look at the nutritional content of things, too. Fat, sugar, sodium, protein and fiber are what I mainly look at.

Tara Gibson said...

haha i find myself wondering about things like this too haha

Amber said...

I've always wondered that! It's crazy how chemicals can taste so much like natural foods.