Have I ever told you that I've developed some sensitivity to oysters? Can't eat them. Well, I can eat them, but I just can't, um...retain them. Le sigh - and I used to LOVE them! It seems that I've managed to develop this sensitivity to lobster. I wasn't completely sure until Thursday when in Logan I had a cup of lobster bisque. Bad move on my part. I felt it coming on as soon as I had eaten 4 bites. No more lobster for me - and it was so good too!

In the office yesterday I was slammed - getting ready for next week's trip to New England. I had every intention of doing Fabulous Friday, but never had a chance! So, without further ado, a shortened version of Fabulous Friday.
Amber over at Life As We Know It gave me the Splash Award. Thank you Amber! If you haven't been to her blog yet, you simply must! She is a Tiger fan - GEAUX Tigers! She's also absolutely beautiful.

The Splash Award is given to alluring, amusing, bewitching, impressive, and inspiring blogs.
In following along with the rules, I'm passing this on to the following bloggers:I like to think that I'm all of these things, but like most women, I'm not so sure. Thanks Amber for the much needed self confidence boost!
When you receive this award, you must:
When you receive this award, you must:
- Put the logo on your blog/post.
- Nominate & link up to 9 blogs which allure, amuse, bewitch, impress or inspire you.
- Let them know that they have been splashed by commenting on their blog.
- Remember to link to the person from whom you received your Splash Award.
- Megan - In this wonderful life
- Lindsey - Learning to be a Wife
- Annie - Chapters of Our Life
- Tara - Jimmy Choos & Tennis Shoes
- b.e.g. - Brown Eyed Girl
- Brittany - Notes From the Grove
- Heather - Live.Love.Laugh.
- Kimmie - Full Circle
- Kelly - Part of Life is Having a Good Ponytail
Sarah of It might seem crazy but we call it Life was my swap partner recently. She is totally on the ball & my scarf was waiting for me when I got home from New England! Sarah, yours will be in the mail this week - I didn't have a chance to get out while I was away. She sent me a simply wonderful teal blue scarf & included a tube of her favorite lip gloss. I can't tell you what her's will be, but I hope she'll love it!
So for this late edition of Fabulous Friday (on a Saturday) I'm highlighting fabulous bloggers. Make sure you pop over to each of these women's blogs - they're simply FABULOUS!!
PS: I apologize for my lessened commenting - I was just slammed last week.